10 Simple Reasons We Fell In Love With Homeschooling

As a homeschooling family, I feel immensely grateful to have almost completed five years of our homeschooling journey. It has been an incredibly fulfilling experience for our family, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Homeschooling has been one of our most significant decisions and has served a purpose in every moment. It has brought us closer as a family, and we have shared many invaluable adventures. Every family’s homeschooling journey is unique. Here are ten reasons why we fell in love with homeschooling.

1 Time is Valuable

As a mother, I have come to appreciate the value of time more than ever before. The school week used to feel like a chaotic blur, with my daughters spending long hours at school only to come home to even more schoolwork. While juggling our work schedules, we had to fit in dinner, bath, homework, and an early bedtime within a small timeframe. It felt like a never-ending cycle, leaving us with little time to relax and spend as a family without any interruptions.

However, since we started homeschooling, our daughters have been able to do more of what they love. They are free to wake up when their bodies are ready, and they learn through exploration and discovery. They no longer have to worry about busy work all day and can set their own pace. There is no pressure to catch up with the rest of the class or wait to move on to the next lesson.

As a result, we get to spend more quality time together as a family, and we can travel more often. Time has become our ally, allowing us to enjoy the simple things in life and cherish each moment spent with one another.

2 No Pressure

It can be challenging for children to navigate the demands of school, especially when they feel the pressure to perform well. I remember how it affected me growing up. Due to the stress, I started to decline academically and in other areas. Even my daughter was affected by this pressure in her last year in private school. She stopped doing her in-class assignments, which only added to her homework load. She needed support without the added pressure of meeting a systematic timeline.

However, one of the significant advantages of homeschooling is that we can tailor the education to suit each child’s unique needs. For instance, we start with my daughter’s preferred subject, which sets the momentum for her to be more interested in learning. Homeschooling allows us to skip a lesson when something doesn’t click, and I found she grasps it quickly the next day.

Homeschooling gives us complete control over our studies- how much time we spend on a subject, when and where to complete assignments, and which topics require more attention than others. This personalization level has led to a better comprehension and a deeper appreciation of what interests them the most.

3 Do What Works 

If you have decided to take the path of homeschooling for your children, you will likely face many questions and decisions regarding the curriculum, resources, and schedules you will use to educate them. The beauty of homeschooling is that you can decide what works for your family dynamic and your children’s learning style. Your homeschooling journey doesn’t need to look like anyone else’s.

Our year one is different from year five, and I guarantee you it will continue to adjust as my kids get older. I relied on a BJU Press Homeschool curriculum when we moved to a new state. They provide video-led classes online and have everything organized for you and your child. I had no outside support and needed something to help me while we adjusted. Today, we have a mix of the same curriculum and co-op classes, and I even teach a class. We’ve been able to accommodate as our circumstances have changed, and for that, I am grateful.

The first year of homeschooling is a learning curve for the whole family. I want you to know it’s okay if you don’t have it all together. Changing your mind about curriculum and schedules is customary throughout the school year. It’s important to give yourself and your child grace to adjust to this new reality is essential.

4 Travel More 

Traveling is one of the best ways to learn about other cultures, especially for kids. When we travel, we experience new places and people firsthand, and it’s a great way to show our kids that there are many different ways of living. Plus, it’s an excellent opportunity for them to make new friends and expand their social circles.

One of my main goals is to travel more with my family. I want my kids to see that traveling is not just a luxury or something we do occasionally. It’s something that can enrich our lives and bring us closer together as a family. Breaking out of our daily routines can be challenging, but it’s worth it. We create memories that will last a lifetime when we step out of our comfort zones and explore new places.

5 Independence & Individuality

You know what’s been amazing? The confidence boost my girls have gotten from our homeschooling journey. It’s been a beautiful thing to see them grow and develop in their unique ways. And let me tell you, they’ve become more independent and self-reliant, too, which will come in handy as they navigate the world.

At first, my younger daughter needed more help with her schoolwork. She was hesitant to tackle assignments due to some past struggles. But with gentle guidance and reassurance, she started trusting herself and her abilities. And now? She’s a total rockstar! She dives into her lessons enthusiastically and is always eager to share her favorite subjects with me.

6 Sleep More

Moreover, I have realized that a good night’s sleep is crucial for my child’s overall well-being, including their mood, behavior, and learning abilities. My oldest daughter proved this when she struggled throughout the day when she awakened too early.

When we started homeschooling, I tried to enforce a strict early schedule, but it did not work for us. I learned that my children were more receptive when they woke up at their own pace, allowing their bodies to decide when to wake up. And you know what? This change significantly impacted their overall mood, cooperation, and eagerness to learn.

Homeschooling provides an excellent opportunity for kids to get more rest while still learning valuable life skills. This approach allows them to get much more sleep than many other kids their age, which is a big advantage for their learning and development. So, to significantly improve your child’s mood, behavior, and academic performance, ensure they get enough sleep. Sweet dreams!

7 Faith and Values

Faith is the foundation of our lives, and imparting the same values to our children is important to us. We had a lengthy discussion before our firstborn started Kindergarten, and we agreed that we wanted our children to be in an environment where Faith is woven into every aspect of their daily lives. That’s why we chose to send our children to a private Christian school or homeschool.

Homeschooling has allowed us to incorporate our beliefs into our daily routine, and these values constantly surround our children. We can pray together, read the Bible, and have meaningful discussions about our Faith without any restrictions. This is an essential aspect of our family’s life, and we are grateful for the opportunity to nurture our children’s Faith at home.

8 Making Friends

My daughters have always been so outgoing and friendly, which makes me incredibly proud! I know that homeschooling can sometimes lead to concerns about socialization, but the truth is, there are so many ways for kids to learn and practice social skills. Kids are amazing at making connections and building friendships, no matter where they are!

Homeschooling communities offer endless opportunities for their kids to interact with others, learn new things, and have fun. One of the best ways we connect with other homeschooling families and learn about meetups is by joining local Facebook groups. So, whether through meetups, field trips, or co-ops, homeschooling can be an excellent way for kids to build connections and friendships, no matter where they are. Plus, they’re a perfect way for parents to swap tips and advice and support each other when things get tough.

9 Endless Options for Learning 

When we first started homeschooling, I joined a homeschool co-op based on the same curriculum I chose to use. I wanted to ensure that I was doing everything right and would be successful by following the same curriculum as others. However, as I met different families, I quickly realized that there are many different approaches to homeschooling, making it unique and special!

One of the most valuable things I learned was figuring out how my daughters learned best. I took the time to identify their favorite subjects and the type of help they needed. Sometimes, they required me to walk them through a topic while they needed a tutor for other subjects. Homeschooling can be a trial-and-error process, and some days, it feels like I have it all together, while other days, I feel like I am all over the place. But the beauty of homeschooling is that you can adapt and change things as needed to make it work for your child, you, and your family.

It’s important to remember that you don’t have to do this alone. Many options are available, such as partnering with other homeschool moms, joining a co-op, or using an online curriculum. You can even go the child-led route and see where that takes you! The possibilities are endless, so don’t be afraid to try different things and see what works best for your family.

And here’s the best part: you can change your style or curriculum throughout the year. What matters most is that your child is making progress. So take a deep breath, relax, and enjoy this amazing homeschooling journey!

Here is a list of options to consider:

  • Hire a tutor for subjects that you may struggle with.
  • Consider asking your spouse to teach a specific topic.
  • Partner with another homeschooling parent and divide the lessons between you based on your kid’s age group.
  • Join a co-op where different parents teach a class. You can reinforce those lessons at home and also lead a class. 
  • Use an online or video-based curriculum.
  • Adopt a child-led approach, such as unschooling.
10 Homeschool Community

Joining various homeschool groups on Facebook has been among the most rewarding decisions ever. It’s incredible how easy it is to connect with other homeschool families eager to share their experiences and build lasting friendships.

These groups host daily conversations on almost every topic imaginable, from how to start, curriculums, college prep, and more. By getting involved with a local homeschool co-op, you can participate in field trips, join a sports team, or take extracurricular classes or events within that group- the endless possibilities!

I’m grateful to have found my people and developed friendships based on shared interests. As a stay-at-home mom, I found it especially helpful to have the opportunity for adult interaction throughout the day. It helped me maintain my sanity while giving me teachers, mentors, and cheerleaders who genuinely understand what I’m going through! These are just a few reasons we fell in love with homeschooling.

Moreover, if you’re interested in knowing more about our homeschooling journey, read “How did we get here? Our homeschool Journey” for a better insight into what led us to begin homeschooling. Follow us on Instagram for a daily dose of Desir Lovestyle.

About Author

I am a homeschooling mom of three who loves to travel, a stylish foodie, and enjoys getting crafty!